Pretty Eye Makeup for Blue Eyes
Hey girls! Today I’m so excited to share the main topic for my article. Guess what? Yeah, I’m sure that you know already from the title. I will share to make your blue eyes looks pretty, sexy and adorable. How to apply eye makeup for blue eyes? For you who get blue eyes should be happy because this color is unique. Many people want to get this color on their eyes. But don’t be sad, dear, if you do not have blue eyes. Because you can use the amazing eye contact. So, now you also get blue eyes. Also be careful on choosing your eye contact girls.
In my last article, I told you about how to apply eye make up for brown and green eyes. Actually, it is does not matter what your eye color. When you brave to try a new experience, you can easy to apply some eye shadow color in your eyes. Like them who get brown and green eyes, you are also can try any color of your eye shadow. When you want to look natural, you can apply vintage or neutral eye shadow color on your eyes. Then when you want to look glamour, you can apply bright eye shadow color like gold, silver, purple, red, or blue.
For application of eye shadow to your beautiful blue eyes is same like eye makeup for other color. First, do not forget to apply your foundation or concealer to your eyelid so that your eye shadow will apply perfectly. Second, use the bright color on your eyelid. Then apply the dark color in the corner of your eyelid and blend it. Then don’t forget to use mascara and eyeliner, girls.
That’s all I can tell you right now girls. I will be happy to give you more tips about eye makeup for blue eyes in my web page here. Just write down about anything that you want to know on the comment box below and i will try my best to answer it.
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